Thursday, October 31, 2019

Strategic Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 15

Strategic Management - Essay Example As can be seen in industries which become an icon for nations, there are strong sentiments attached with the commercial aircraft manufacturing industry. This factor is a very dominant contributor to industry dynamics and strategic shape of the industry. The strategic importance of national sentiments attached to some companies is explained by Lou Gerstner in his very famous book ‘Who says elephants can’t dance?’ According to Gerstner one of the major reasons he took up to task of bringing IBM back from brink of bankruptcy was the cultural significance and sentiments attached with IBM of both American businesses and people. The same cultural significance lies with the dominant players of the commercial aircraft manufacturers. This factor is significant for both Boeing and Airbus and holds a very significant importance in determining the analysis provided below. The best method to understand the dynamics of any industry is through the porter’s five forces analysis. This model gives a comprehensive analysis of the different forces functioning in the industry and determines industry’s strategic positioning. This model is also very useful in providing a comprehensive analysis of the individual analysis and more importantly contribution to determining the overall positioning of the industry. The model is used for this example is as follow: The most important factor for any industry is the bargaining power of customers. This is a very economics driven phenomenon. This is because the customers function as a whole on factors of demand and supply. The demand factors for an industry determine the power of firms operating in the industry. The substitutability of a product is the key to bargaining power of customers. This can be analyzed by using exampling of medicines and burgers. The customer when buying medicines will have a very small power because this product has a low elasticity of demand. However,

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Communication in Health and Social Care Essay Example for Free

Communication in Health and Social Care Essay Identify nine different reasons why people communicate and give an example for each reason. 1 to express there needs, to explain to people exactly what it is that they need and why. 2. `to share ideas – people learn from each other by sharing ideas this can help resolve a problem or situation. 3. to reassure – if people do not communicate they can feel unsure, it is important to diffuse rumours by communicating effectively with people so that they are sure of a situation, this will have a positive effect on morale. It is also important to re-assure people that you are listening and understand what they are saying. 4. to express feelings – to let people know if you are, happy, sad, angry or confused. It could be that you have mixed feeling or are unsure. 5. to share experiences – a work colleague could share an experience of a similar position/case that you are in/working on. 6. to ask questions – people don’t always give you the answers you need without you asking questions, you can ask open answer questions that require more than a yes or no answer. . socialise – this form of communication is usually relaxed, where you will talk socially to people about things that have happened in your week, or about a holiday or what is in the news. People will laugh and joke together. 8. to build relationships – through communication people get to know each other, there needs and build trust. 9. Information – to pass information between people Identify 5 ways communication can help you in your work and why 1. To enable service users to develop a relationship in which they feel confident to share there thoughts and feeling with you, they feel you are listening to their needs and understand their situation. 2. Effective communication prevents mis-understandings and people know exactly what is expected from them. 3. Supports the development of own needs and knowledge, by talking to work colleagues you can often gain from their knowledge and understanding. 4. Good communication ensures that you understand the needs of others and able you to get the right support plan in place. . to build trust amongst both work colleagues and service users Explain why it is important to observe an individual’s reactions (facial expressions, body language etc) when you are communicating with them Observing an individual’s reaction is important as it will give you an idea on whether the person is interested in the subject matter, if they are lying to cover a blunder, to see if there is a purpose t o the subject you are trying to discuss, to see if they understand, or youre both understanding. If the person is hesitant to answer any questions, or make any comments or questions, he may be showing disagreement or just shy, then you need to coach them into talking. Facial expressions, will show you if they are feeling angry, body language can indicate that a person is adjitated or uncomfortable with a situation, or if they are relaxed and comfortable. Identify twelve barriers to effective communication Language Barrier, Hearing impairment, visual impairment, under the influence of alcohol or drugs, distractions i. e, noise, flashing light, Judgemental statements i. e. Don’t do it that way† or â€Å"your wrong†. Inappropriate language for the age of the person, Learning difficulties, ie ‘unable to read and write, shyness, attitude, people may not List eight ways you can reduce barriers to communication include sources of information and support services Give four examples of how you can check a person has understood what you have communicated? What do es the term ‘confidentiality mean? Give three examples of when confidential information may need to be passed on How do you seek advice regarding confidentiality When would you ask advice about confidentiality

Sunday, October 27, 2019

The Challenges Facing Cross Culture Communication Business Essay

The Challenges Facing Cross Culture Communication Business Essay The organization shall understand that effective and efficient communication among its resources smoothen its managerial process and enhance the effective decision making capabilities. Since the organizations are on globalization spree shall strive to realize and achieve this even more. To stabilize the efficient communication process within the organizational teams of cross culture blend, it faces many challenges. The basic areas of conflict are: Communication styles. Approach towards completion of task. Conflict facing attitude. Decision making process. Zeal towards new learning. Fairness in disclosures. Organization shall always enable positive dialogue space, reward the new learners and freedom of expression rather than allow room for misjudging and miscommunication. An organization which is on globalization spree has to understand that culture is a major hurdle to overcome and important strength to harness and enjoy its benefits, as culture provides greater opportunities and resources to fasten organizational proposed growth projectile. Reference: Quality management Cross Culture perspective There have been many scholars and academicians who have studied and helped to enhance the understanding of effective cross culture management, among them is Dr. Geert Hofstede. His research and in-depth understanding of various cultural dimensions has evolved essentialistic model of the worlds cultural map which is now and international standard for understanding of cultural regions. Geert Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Power distance index (PDI) Individualism (IDV) Masculinity (MAS) Uncertainty avoidance index (UAI) Long-term orientation (LTO) Dimension United Kingdoms Greet Hofstede Cultural Dimensions Reference: Trompenaars and Charles Hampden-Turner Cultural Perspective The other major research of cultural orientation was by Fons Trompenaars and Dr. Charles Hampden-Turner. They both have developed a model of culture with seven dimensions. A set of five orientations encompass the ways in which humans deal with each other: Universalism vs. particularism i.e. preference of importance to either rules or relationships Individualism vs. collectivism i.e. preference towards being in group or individual for any cultural events. Neutral vs. emotional i.e. openness in displaying emotions. Specific vs. diffuse i.e. importance to responsibilities accepted. Achievement vs. ascription i.e. inclinations to the social statuses that is achieved by birth or have to work for it. Sequential vs. synchronic i.e the approach or process of doing task. Each society looks different in the approach of work: Internal vs. external control i.e. how are we controlled by the environment that we belong to. Anthropologists in cross-culture management Looking into the various growing economies and industry verticals opting the globalization route it is very clear that it is not always easy to manage the cross culture resources using the essentialistic perspectives like those of Hofstede (1990) and Trompenaars (1993). Their work has only developed cultural map of the world having scores and indexes for understanding the cultural diversities. These indexes only dramatically simply the cultural concepts but in real situations there is lot of variations between espoused values and actual behaviour. Generally consultants utilize their experiences rather than depend on these model values. Consultants tend to use anthropologists views rather than cooperates developed essentialistic perspective. Though anthropologists are good arriving at realistic solution for quality cross culture management but are not good at selling their views to industries. But consultants though not anthropologists but can sell themselves to the industries. Solution An organization has to understand and implement one old saying that goes saying as live in Rome as Roman do. The organization shall pave way for a process development methodology that gives opportunity to the resources to rise and discuss circumstances at workplace along with behaviours and understand each others perspective. The organization shall obtain first hand research on the regional culture that they are venturing into. The organization shall not only tackle the difficulties as they arise but should learn from them. The organization shall make sure that its resource is well equipped to manage all circumstances that they would be drawn into. The organization should have to undertake proper training to its human resources both for process and methodology development and also for new advents in information technologies. Anthropologist is one who understands the culture, belief, and practices of living people in much better way than the normal human being. A growing organization which have opted the route of internationalization shall always take advices from an anthropologist or have resource who can think likewise an anthropologist. So that the subtle inter cultural issues are addressed at the earliest and in most amicable way. Conclusion I found the coverage of topics in the provided source materials to be very exhaustive and informative regarding the cross culture management. I used CRAP test methodology to analyze which of the provided source material are best suited and helped me to understand the concept of cross culture management. Using this test, importance was given to credibility, reliability of knowledge provided, accuracy of knowledge, and the reason for delivering the knowledge. Of the source material provided I found and source material to be very informative. Information provided by the consulting/education firm called 1000 founded by Vadim Kotelnikov, who is also the founder of Ten3 Business e-Coach. The author and founder Vadim Kotelnikov has lots of experience in training vast resources of various industry verticals in most parts of world. The information provided is presented in pictorial bar charts displaying various aspects that are of important for an organization. The information is easily understood and has wide spread coverage of important aspects of cross culture management. It gives a complete picture of what area of requirements are to be looked upon by the organization for effective and efficient cross culture management. This source material provided me with world wide eye opening facts and figures of cross culture team management from different regions of the world. The other source material gave information about effective usage of anthropologists for better managing of dialect issues in cross culture team. As anthropologist is the one who understands the cultural delicacies and can fine tune the differences much before any ordinary man can even predict its happening. Basing on the information provided in these two provided source materials I gathered enough knowledge on cross culture management. These two source materials have given me an insight as to what is cross culture management and what are the problems faced by the organization of varied industry verticals. These two provided source materials have also been informative on what type of processes or methodology to be undertaken within the organization to make the cross culture resources within to zeal together to perform better in any adverse circumstances.

Friday, October 25, 2019

Tribalism :: Personal Narrative Papers

Tribalism I. My sister recently put a map of the world in her bedroom, where she dreams always of being chased. Warfare is the greatest affair of state, the basis of life and death, the Tao of survival and extinction. It must be thoroughly pondered and analyzed. If you want to succeed in battle, act as if deranged. 1 I overheard two women arguing. One of them was me, in a later life. The other was God. My sister pushes her dream away and we'll call her a mystic; her lived reality defers to the visions, and details of where we'll live, how we'll earn a living, or who is at the door sink into the background. If creatures are helpless in a world of flags and fairies, we can break tyrants with our fists. Why wake up from that vision? If I could remember, I would never return to sunburn, rental cars, boy scout leaders, garbage, greasy hair, no water in the desert, cold nights of sweat and gleaning. Trust me. Spring the trap - a package with an umbilical cord, ties straining. Mourning doves and the sound of birds and rapids. The wind pushes the river backwards, completing the cycle. Before night fell into your lap you stared blankly at the traffic light on the corner wondering, why consult the Book of Changes? Every sign you need is right here: fire trucks a staple on brook street, power lines buzzing overhead like soldiers of fortune. The planets align in your seventh house, poking feebly at an electromagnetic field. So if I ever say anything I'm lying to you. Feel better or worse, see if I care. March toward madness, in the evening we swore up and down to stay alive. Foundry the boundary down to the last gravedigger. Morning or evening times are unimportant; don't live to compete, but fight when you must for a better world. We are all singers and mad and we make less and less money every year. Perhaps you care about all this loss, heaped onto your plate like steaming eggs on an English. Further along and we come to a crossing, where I found you waiting for me and left. Pretend you have come to a crossing. Not a fork in the yellow wood but a good city intersection, with traffic and manholes and strangers not particularly watching.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Current legislation Essay

Outline current legislation, guidelines, policies and procedures within own UK Home Nation affecting the safeguarding of children and young people Current legislation is the result of The Children Act 1989 in England and Wales and in Northern Ireland the children (Northern Ireland) order 1995 which was brought in to ensure that all people who work with children worked together and that they were clear about their responsibilities and knew how to act if allegations of child abuse were made. Following the death of Victoria Climbie in the year 2000 an independent inquiry highlighted many problems with how reports of neglect and child abuse were dealt with and found that vulnerable people in society were not being safeguarded. The laming report in 2003 resulted in a green paper, Every Child Matters , which in turn lead to the Children Act 2004. The Children Act 2004 was introduced to make changes to the way the child protection system is structured and organised in England and wales. The every child matters paper is aimed at ensuring every child should be helped to have positive outcomes in life . They should: stay safe, enjoy and achieve, have economic wellbeing and make a positive contribution. The main points of The Children act 2004 was that every local authority has a director of children’s services who is ultimately responsible for ensuring that children are safeguarded. Local safeguarding boards were set up and children’s wishes taken into account. Children’s services now have a duty to safeguard children and to work together with a multi- agency approach to promote their welfare. The common assessment framework was introduced to identify children’s needs. Working together to safeguard children 2006 in 2006 the document was revised. This document had now updated the safeguarding and the national framework to help agencies work individually and together promote the welfare of children. In October 2009 the vetting and barring scheme was introduced, anyone working with children and vulnerable adults needs to have their personal information checked to prevent unsuitable people working in these areas. The scheme is now called the disclosure and barring service. CYP CORE 3.3 (1.2) Explain child protection within the wider concept of safeguarding children and young people Child protection is part of the wider work to safeguard and  promote the welfare of children and young people. We as practitioners and people working with children have a much wider role to play to ensure the safe and wellbeing of the children in our care. This refers to the activity that is undertaken to protect specific children who are suffering from any form of abuse or neglect. It also involves protecting children and young people from maltreatment and preventing impairment of a child’s health and development by ensuring children are raised in positive circumstances by providing safe and caring environments. Parents or carers who fail to protect or care for their children could then be taken to court and the child be then removed from the home and placed into care. Assessing observations to identify additional support needed by a child or young person will be a (CAF) which is a common assessment framework, this system enables multi agencies to access and add information about children. You must be careful that parental consent has been gained before sending this information to any agencies. The EYFS also highlights that there must be a designated person who will take the lead for all safeguarding. They are responsible for liaising with the local statutory children services agencies and also with the Local Safeguarding Children Board. They must provide support , advice and guidance to other members of staff and must attend a child protection course. Analyse how national and local guidelines, policies and procedures for safeguarding affect day to day work with children and young people It is our duty as practitioners working with children and young people to understand that we need to be aware and recognise any child at risk of harm and in need or is very vulnerable and unsecured. This earlier this is dealt with the better the outcome will be. There are clear lines of responsibility to ensure that all children are protected. Department for education – they have the overall responsibility for safeguarding and child protection in England Issue statutory and non-statutory guidance to local authorities Local Authorities – the y use guidance to produce procedures for services and practitioners Services used as basic for their policies and procedures I am also aware of my own settings safeguarding policy that was developed  with the Children Act 1989 and 2004 in mind. These are the policies and procedures we need to follow whilst working with children within our setting; Within childcare practice we must be aware that we have a clear and defined role in relation to child protection. Professionals working with children/young people such as teaching assistants, volunteers, outside agencies are all DBS cleared. Adults working with children should also be fully trained in safeguarding children by a nominated safeguarding adviser and have the opportunity to receive training in order to develop their understanding of the signs and indicators of abuse or neglect, this training is offered every 3 years. In order for child protection to work effectively we must ensure we have good inter relationships with other agencies and good cooperation from professionals that are competent in responding to child protection situations. A procedure for recording concerns and incidents if a child discloses information that concerns his/her welfare; we must make a record of exactly what the child has said in their words and report it to a safeguarding officer, ensuring that these records are kept confidentially and separated from their own record. Explain when and why inquires and serious cases reviews are required and how sharing of the findings informs practice A Serious Case Reviews are held when a child dies, abuse or Neglect are known or suspected to be a factor in the death, local organisations should consider immediately whether there are other children at risk of harm who require safeguarding. Thereafter, organisations should consider whether there are any lessons to be learnt about the ways in which they work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children. Consequently, when a child dies in such circumstances, the Local Safeguarding Children Board (LSCB) should always conduct a Serious Case Review into the involvement with the child and family of organizations and professionals. The LSCB should always consider whether a Serious Case Review should be conducted: If a child sustains a potentially life-threatening injury or through abuse or neglect If a child has been subjected to Sexual Abuse If a child has been killed by a parent with a mental illness If they find  concerns about inter-agency working to protect children from harm The purpose of Serious Case Reviews carried out is to establish whether there are lessons to be learnt from the case about the way in which local professionals and organizations work together to safeguard and promote the welfare of children, identify clearly what those lessons are, how they will be acted on, and what is expected to change as a result. This will then improve inter-agency working and better safeguard and promote the welfare of the child. Where more than one LSCB has knowledge of a child, the LSCB for the area in which the child is or was normally resident should take lead responsibility for conducting any review. In the case of looked after children, the local authority which has responsibility for the child should take lead responsibility for conducting the review, again involving other LSCBs with an interest or involvement. Any professional may refer such a case to the LSCB if it is believed that there are important lessons for inter-agency working to be learned from the case. It would be the LSCB’s responsibility to take note of any referral and make a decision as to what if any action is needed. Explain how the processes used by own work setting or service comply with legislation that covers data protection, information handling and sharing In our setting all data for the children we look after is held in the main office. Only staff have access to this. The child’s personal information is stored away either on computer or on paper. The computers are all locked and you can only log on with a password which is unique to one person. All paper records are locked away in a cabinet. The information which we hold about the child includes the child’s name, date of birth, and contact number for parent/carer. In an event of a serious accident we would have this information available to us. In our own room the only information we hold about the child is their allergies information. We abide by the Data Protection Act as our setting also holds information about their staff and any safeguarding issues which we may be aware of. This information needs to be Acquired only when necessary Need to make sure that it is secure Make sure it is accurate All information is kept up to date We regularly remind parents to advise us of any changes such as address, telephone numbers or emergency contact details. We as staff are constantly reminded not to share any information on any child to another person or member of staff unless there is a safeguarding issue. We know who are safeguarding contact is and we should share any concerns straight away. We do not discuss any children’s matter outside of work with any one.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The authors explore the question of bankruptcy in public companies

The authors explore the question of bankruptcy in public companies, trying to come up with ways of predicting the looming bankruptcy. Pointing to the growing scale of this harmful phenomenon with a greater number of larger companies going bankrupt, Chuvakhin & Gertmenian are trying to present businessmen with a framework for analysing the performance of business companies so as to receive indication of their problems before they are forced into bankruptcy.To arrive at this understanding, they utilise Z-score model constructed by Edward Altman in 1968.The attempts to arrive at a ratio that could serve as a bona fide predictor of the upcoming bankruptcies have been undertaken for years, including a study by William Beaver. The critical breakthrough came when Edward Altman â€Å"built a comprehensive, statistical model using a technique called multiple discriminant analysis (MDA)† (Chuvakhin & Gertmenian, n.d.). The model relies on the combination of five different ratios that ca n later be summarised into a so-called Z-score.Altman indicated that a company with a Z-score above 2.675 could be considered solvent, that with a score under 1.81 was liable to go bankrupt, and companies with Z-scores in the range of 1.81-2.675 fell into â€Å"gray area† or â€Å"ignorance zone†, which meant that they could escape bankruptcy, but with difficulty.The legal issue explored in the articles refers to companies that forge numbers in their books, deceiving investors, as in the case of Enron and WorldCom. The authors ask: Is it possible to predict bankruptcy if the company’s management is cooking the books?Their answer is yes since the Z-score model would avoid these accounting irregularities. For example, in the case of WorldCom that overstated both assets and earnings, the combination of ratios used by the model would overlook it, since a rise in earning would increase the first three ratios, but a rise in assets would decrease the last two, with the impact offsetting each other.The model outlined in the article is of great value to managers of different companies. From the managerial perspective, it is extremely important which of the firm’s customers are likely to go bankrupt. If the bankruptcy of a large client comes a like a bolt of lightning, totally sudden and unanticipated, the firm can end with a large amount of bad debt in its accounts receivable account.In 2001 alone, bankruptcy affected 257 public companies with combined assets of $256 billion (Chuvakhin & Gertmenian, n.d.). In the light of this fact, effective methods for bankruptcy prediction become a serious concern for managers.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Tips For Writing A Microeconomics Essay

Tips For Writing A Microeconomics Essay Microeconomics Essay: Topic of Relevance A big challenge many students face is coming up with a unique topic to write about. Crafting the right question is a crucial part of your writing progression. Just one poor choice and the results can be devastating. In order to choose the right choice topic, figure out which topic you are conversant with because the more you know about it, the easier it will be for your writing process. Choosing your topic in haste can result in very disappointing results since your final work will be jumbled up. Take your time while figuring out the topic of discussion that you are familiar with, do personal research of how best you know it and if it fits your description, draft it. Many students assume that sitting down to brainstorm, conduct research and finally structuring the right question is a waste of time. What you should understand from this is that the time you have invested will save you more time and energy when writing down your essay. Our article has researched and came up with the 65 common topics, particularly in areas microeconomics essay papers focus on. The list consists of both broad and narrow scoped topics. Important Areas of Research Microeconomics is a branch of economic science that entails elements of a scientific study. This study through research has conveyed ways of helping economists predict economic propensities. For instance, they can foresee the market reaction when a specified group of individuals comes up with a purchasing decision. Keep in mind that this model is based on the predictions which are limited to highlighting possible changes on the market. This relates to the market incentives which may give you different results from the ones you predicted. Below is a list of 15 broad-spectrum topics that any micro-economics paper question can be crafted around: Finding a balance for supply and demand Opportunity costs Information economics Elasticity (the extent on variable response can quickly change in another variable) Ecological problems facing the US and Europe due to planned economies Production costs Game theory Flawless competition Consumer demand theory (the ability of the consumers to strike a balance between the need for buying a product, or services rendered and the costs charged). Economics of labor Market structure and the systems that run it Conditions to be met or a microeconomic model to be implemented. Mention the interaction between natural, industrial and household. An argumentative essay based on the microeconomic market organization Theory of production (a study that explains how inputs are converted to outputs). The effect of monopoly on the market (how a single dominant organization that supplies a particular commodity influences the marketplace dynamics and the consumer demand theory Microeconomics Essay Questions Relating to Supply and Demand How is pricing influenced by the dynamics of supply and demand How is the labor market a major influence of supply and demand? Is there an active role the labor union contributes to this? How do diverse market structures influence supply and demand? Microeconomics essay questions that focus on Ecology and Nature How do seasonal variations affect the economy? Discuss ways you can reduce the influence of a small business on an environment How do companies maneuver through ecology based on market and planned economies? What is the overall effect of enforced travel fees on eco-responsibility? What are the indicators of ecological economics that help define its effectiveness? What is your take on the concept of green business process management? Is a crucial part of environmental economics? Does the concept of sustainable development really assure sustainability in terms of Environmental Economics, Ecological Economics Green Economics? What is the ultimate purpose of Ecology, and what do we hope to achieve in advancing the field? What do you think are the differences between green economy and ecological economics? Which paradigm(s) is (are) the most suitable for assessing the economy-environment relationship? How can ecosystem service (ES) assessments be designed to include equity issues about the distribution of benefits and costs of ES use? Explain the concept of Payment of ecosystem services and watershed restoration How to quantify forest ecosystem services such as aesthetic values, recreation, etc.? What is an ecological modeling reference? Can green economies exist outside green markets? What is the basic difference between Ecological Economics and Environmental Economics’? Micro-economic Essay Based on Healthcare Economic models that are applicable in the informal payments of healthcare systems Describe what you can learn on cost-effectiveness analysis of healthcare interventions What are the main characteristics of a private healthcare care system? Explain the correlation of healthcare profits to taxation Micro-economic Essay Questions on Business, SMB, and Manufacturing Economics Problems experienced by a new business due to the current market dynamics? What is the law of diminishing returns and how do you handle its effect on input? How do you develop the profit returns of a business? What is the impact of local manufacturing to the community? What is the effect of purchasing local produce on the economy of a country? What are the main aspects of a successful business? What are the advantages of having a good working atmosphere for a business? What ways can a business employ to survive an economic crisis? How do small companies compete with well-established rivals? Do a case study of business foreseeing closure and make an analysis of alternatives? Carry out research and document the local trends within a community that influence the expansion or opening of a business Benefits of the no-sale policy on a business What are the effects of the recession on a company? Provide a specified company as your specific enterprise to talk about. What are the ways of reducing risk and loss in an expanding business? Define and analyze the traits of a strong leader in a business enterprise What are the strategies you need to employ to ensure a small business does not go bankrupt? Does crowdfunding have any benefits? discuss Discuss the benefits of creativity and their influence on the success of a company Micro-economic Essay Based on Aspects of Social Media, PR, and Advertising: Explain ways advertising influences purchasing decisions How are advertising and microeconomics associated? What are the benefits of this? What are the chances that a business will successfully maneuver through a quality related scandal? The importance of social media advertising in encouraging supply Explain pricing as compared to salary in relation to a minimum wage increase The above samples are relevant in your research for ideas about essays that relate to micro-economics. By reading through this list, I hope that you will get inspired to come up with your own. However, this list should be utilized as a guideline to tailor your own essay question that you can best handle based on your knowledge about it. The topics covered are just a few out of the many that you can find upon research. A Sample Essay for Microeconomics Below is an essay that we have created for you to give you an in-depth understanding of the writing of a microeconomics essay: QUESTION: Has industrialization posed a threat to nature? What effects does the destruction of nature have on economics? Between the years 1970 up to 2012, the economy of the United States has grown steadily to the 100 percent mark. This, however, was not easily achieved, since the natural environment has suffered pollution. Even with the many anti-pollution policies made and adopted by the United States government, the action towards upholding their integrity has been minimal.   Prior research estimated that carbon dioxide emissions have only decreased by 12% within the period of 2007 and 2012. Carbon dioxide, however, is the one out of the many toxins that affect the environment. This is a clear indication of the negative effects that many businesses and companies contribute to with their ignorance on controlling and eliminating pollution. Microeconomics describes pollution as an externality. The meaning of an externality is an act that distresses third party people who were not related to the action.   This phenomenon can pose both positive and negative problems. For instance, if you live in an area where there is a nightclub which you do not attend but you always hear the loud thuds and noises each time it is operational, you are considered an externality. This is a situation where you can you are not part of the activities that are around you but the events happening reach you. This can be either a positive or negative experience depending on how you feel about it. Pollution, however, will always be a negative externality since it poses harmful effects on humans, animals, and plants. With the increase of demand for commodities, production rates have been increased; thus an upsurge in the toxic by-products which pose a threat to the health of the environment.   This trend sieves through societys moral standards and eventually becomes a custom to them. Maintaining a healthy environment can only be achieved if the amounts of commodities manufactured by a company are reduced. This, however, will be hard to achieve because everyone is out to search for their source of wealth, and do not care about the consequences that might arise. As a way for managing this trend, most of the economists suggest that each cost of production should have a budget for the cost of pollution. The list provided should cover the following aspects; the influence that the pollution has on human health and safety, the resulting effect it extends to property value, its effect on recreation events and its effect on the wildlife habitat. Here is an example of how the cost consideration should be summed up: A company manufactures freezers at a production cost estimated at $700 per unit; the cost of production will increase to $150 per unit if pollution management production is included in the production of the freezer.   Several units that could be produced will take a downward dive due to the increased expense. This will affect the sales price which will shoot up since the cost production has significantly gone up. Within the customer’s perspective, when it comes to choosing a product that is eco-friendly, or the one that lacks this element and is cheaper, the customer will always opt for the cheaper option. This means that the eco-friendly companies will suffer a loss despite the fact that their product is of more quality than the one they chose. To reduce pollution, the consumer trends adopted by many should change and opt for eco-friendly products. To enforce this dynamic, government legislation may have to be put into order, where the damage cost exceeds the normal cost to ensure producers change their designs to more eco-friendly products. This type of conditions will be the reason for the shift of economic perspective to the protection of the environment.†

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Biography of Sherman Alexie, Jr., Prize Winning Author and Filmmaker

Biography of Sherman Alexie, Jr., Prize Winning Author and Filmmaker Sherman Alexie (born October 7, 1966) is a novelist, short story writer, poet, and filmmaker who has published over 25 books. Born on the Spokane Indian Reservation in Wellpinit, Washington, Alexie has been a key contributor to Indigenous Nationalism literature, drawing on his experiences with ancestry from several tribes. Fast Facts: Sherman Alexie, Jr. Known For: Prize Winning poet, novelist, performer, and filmmaker.Born: October 7, 1966, Spokane Indian Reservation in Wellpinit, Washington.Parents: Lillian and Sherman Alexie, Sr.  Education: Reservation schools on the Spokane Indian Reservation, Reardon High School, Gonzaga University, Washington State University.Published Works: You Dont Have to Say You Love Me: A Memoir, 25 other books.Spouse: Diane Tomhave.Children: 2. Early Life Sherman Alexie, Jr., was born Sherman Joseph Alexie, Jr. on October 7, 1966. He is the second son of four children of Lillian and Sherman Alexie, Sr. Lillian Cox (1936–2015), was a Spokane Indian, one of the last fluent speakers of the language; Sherman Sr, , who died in 2015, was a member of the Coeur d’Alene tribe. Sherman Jr. was born hydrocephalic (with water on the brain) and at six months underwent a brain operation from which he was not expected to survive. He did more than that. Despite the resulting childhood seizures, Alexie turned out to be an advanced reader and was purportedly reading novels like ​The Grapes of Wrath at the age of five. Alexie was diagnosed with biopolar disease in 2010, but he believes he suffered from it as a young child. As a teenager enrolled in the reservation schools, Alexie found his mothers name written in a textbook assigned to him. Determined not to spend his life on the reservation, he sought a better education at the high school in Reardan, Washington, where he was a top student and a star basketball player. Upon graduation in 1985, Alexie attended Gonzaga University on a scholarship from which he transferred to Washington State University after two years to study pre-med. Fainting spells in anatomy class convinced Alexie to change his major, a decision reinforced by a love of poetry and an aptitude for writing. He graduated with a bachelors degree in American Studies and shortly thereafter received the Washington State Arts Commission Poetry Fellowship and the National Endowment for the Arts Poetry Fellowship. As a young man, Alexie struggled with alcoholism but gave up drinking at the age of 23 and has been sober since. Literary and Film Work Alexies first collection of short stories, The Lone Ranger and Tonto Fistfight in Heaven (1993) won him a PEN/Hemingway Award for Best First Book of Fiction. He followed up with a first novel, Reservation Blues (1995) and a second, Indian Killer (1996), both award winners. In 2010, Alexie was awarded the PEN/Faulkner Award for his short story collection, War Dances. Alexie, whose work draws mainly from his experiences as a Native American both on and off the reservation, collaborated in 1997 with Chris Eyre, a Cheyenne/Arapaho Indian filmmaker. The pair rewrote one of Alexies short stories, This is What it Means to Say Phoenix, Arizona, into a screenplay. The resulting film, Smoke Signals, premiered at the 1998 Sundance Film Festival and went on to win several awards. Alexie went on to write and direct  The Business of Fancydancing in 2002, wrote 49? in 2003, presented  The Exiles  in 2008 and participated in  Sonicsgate  in 2009. Awards Sherman Alexie is the recipient of numerous literary and artistic awards. He was a World Poetry Bout Association champion for four consecutive years, and a guest editor of the literary journal Ploughshares; his short story What You Pawn I Will Redeem was selected by juror Ann Patchett as her favorite story for The O. Henry Prize Stories 2005. During the same year ​that he was awarded the PEN/Faulkner Award for  War Dances  in 2010, he was awarded the Native Writers Circle of the Americas Lifetime Achievement Award, became the first American Puterbaugh Fellow, and earned the California Young Reader Medal for  The Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. Controversy In March, 2018, three women went on record to accuse Sherman Alexie of sexual harassment. That same month, he acknowledged wrongdoing and apologized, and at the same time declined to accept the Carnegie Medal he had been awarded in the previous month. In April, 2018, Alexies memoir, You Dont Have to Love Me was delayed at the publishers request but eventually published in June. In December, 2018, his film Smoke Signals was named by the Library of Congress to the National Film Registry.   Alexie lives in Seattle with his wife and two sons. Sources Alexie, Sherman. You Dont Have to Say You Love Me: A Memoir. New York, Falls Apart Productions, 2017.  -. The Absolute True Diary of a Part-Time Indian. New York: Little, Brown and Company, 2007.Laban, Monique. Why Sherman Alexie’s Sexual Misconduct Feels Like a Betrayal. Electric Literature, March 20, 2018.  Neary, Lynn. It Just Felt Very Wrong: Sherman Alexies Accusers Go On The Record. National Public Radio, March 5, 2018.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Case study of the Web Index

The renowned organization called World Wide Web Foundation produced and designed the Web Index. The purpose of the Web Index is to measure contribution of World Wide Web to economical, social and political development within nations across the world[1]. In order to make the people understand how the nations maximize the impact of the web, Web Index compiles data across several different Web healths’ dimensions and makes it available free. The annual country-ranking format continuously improves the understanding of the people regarding the Web’s value for humanity[2]. The study includes the description of the Web Index in accordance with Singapore. Singapore ranked 22 nd in the Web Index ranking and has the value of 75.16. Every key areas of the Web Index are described in detail in the study. The provided recommendation implies that there are five things that Singapore must carry out in order to achieve better ranking. Universal access is a sub-index and it measures that countries have devoted in reasonable access to high quality internet infrastructure[3]. In addition to that, it also suggests that countries are investing in skills and education that its people require to make use of the Web well. Figure 2: Universal Access in Measurement Singapore is in ninth position in the list of Universal Access as per the data of Web Index.   The score of the country is 91.69 [6]. This score clearly says that the Singapore has clearly provided extreme interest in its Web Usage. There are various regains within which Singapore need to improve. As per the definition of the Universal access, Singapore devoted in reasonable access to high quality internet infrastructure. The facts and figures support this statement. In order to make most use of the Web Infrastructure of a country, the people must be able to improve the skills. In addition to that, having the proper knowledge is also crucial. The country can categorize the web users into three categories such as academics, professional and entertainment usage. The most of the use is done for the entertainment purpose. It can be assumed that almost all the countries within top fifty make same amount of use of the web for the entertainment purpose. This suggests that the use of the w eb for the academic and professional purpose places it at 9 th position in the list. These sub-index, freedom and openness, refers to the extent to which the people of a country enjoys privacy online, rights to information, expression and opinion[7]. On other orders, it can be stated this sub-index is the measure of the interaction of the citizens with the Web. Figure 3: Freedom and Openness Graph of Singapore Figure 4: Freedom and Openness Measure of Singapore The score of Singapore in this sub-index is very low relative to the other sub-indexes. The country is in the 41 st position in the world ranking in this category [10]. The citizens of Singapore are not that much interested in interacting with the Web. It is may be because of their conserved nature but it is none of the concern of the study. Singapore, needs to make its citizens more educated and skilled so that they can also share their thoughts, believes and opinions. As the people of Singapore will learn to accept the views of the others, they can argue on different things. Social media sites like, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram and many more provide the great opportunity to all the people of the world share their knowledge and views. Singapore, has to make its citizen more enthusiastic regarding interact with the Web. The relevant content is the sub-index that uses both the factors, content present within each country and the Web utilization by the people. These two factors must be residing within a prominence on the amount to which several stakeholders can be able to access information. In addition to that, the data must be relevant to the purpose of use of the people[11]. The content must be in the form of that language within which the people of the specific country is most comfortable. These contents can be accessed through the channels and platforms that available broadly. Figure 5: Relevant Content Graph Representation of Singapore Figure 6: Relevant Content measurement of Singapore The score of Singapore within this category of sub-index is 76.48. The country is in the 21 st position, followed by Estonia (75.72) [14]. These score is slightly more than average. Still Singapore has managed to produce content that most of its people can make use of. It will foolish to consider all the people within the region of the Web using category. It has be assumed that a certain amount of people actually make use of the Web. The people who make use of Web for entertainment and professional works are tend to use content that are written in English, not all but for majority. The reason this Country is lacking behind other countries is its mother tongue. There are very smaller chance of growing within this rank. As per the definition of the Relevant Content provided in the above section, the country’s content must be within the particular region so that the citizen can access the contents easily. In addition to that, the content, the citizen will be making use of and co nsidered while measuring score, must be relevant for the targeted audience or people of Singapore. This sub-index reflects the most powerful and complex activity of the Web that is empowerment reflects the difference that the Web is bringing with the lifestyle and thought process of people of a country. This sub-index is also used for reflecting the impact of the Web on the society, politics, economy and environment[15]. Empowerment relates to these key four areas of any Country in a strange way. Figure 7: Empowerment Graph Representation of Singapore Figure 8: Empowerment Measurement of Singapore Singapore has raked 19 th and 15 th in the empowerment respectively in the political area and economical area. The rank of Singapore in the overall empowerment is 18 th [18] .   The score of this country in empowerment is 75.17. It says that the impact of Web on the social, economic, environment and political regions. The most of the impact of the Web on this country can be viewed in the economical areas as it makes use of the Web for communicating with the whole world. The Web can be a very good tool for making some move in the political region. One citizen can connect to different citizen who is hundreds of miles away and share their view on some political agenda. This way a thought or view of one person can grow from one region to completely region in a very rapid pace. In terms of evaluating the four sub-indexes of the Web Index regarding Singapore, it is important to analyze all the sub-indexes. The biggest lack in the freedom and openness is the restricted mind of its citizen. The government is required to provide sufficient amount of knowledge to the citizen so that they can empower their view upon the citizen of other countries. This will allow Singapore to score more on the freedom and empowerment sub-index. There is not much limitations regarding universal access and the score reflects it. Gaining the ninth position in the world list is a significant matter. There are various areas that can be utilized the government for making more score in the empowerment area. The empowerment consists of four key areas and impact of Web on these regions is different. Universal Access: The universal Access of Singapore is 91.69 and has the world fastest internet average speed. The country has invested a lot in the internet infrastructure for providing internet service to its citizens. Nowadays internet is considered as a most essential service for public and facilitates for management of the utility services in the country. The citizens should have a reliable internet access and it is essential for the access of knowledge, finance and agriculture. Increasing the universal accessibility decreases the gap of governance and provides public access to the internet. It is recommended that a good technology is required to be selected and the integration issues are required to be identified for the improvement of the universal access. Relevant Content: The relevant content of Singapore is 76.48, i.e. the stakeholders and the citizens can search the web in the language they prefer and find the most relevant content. The posting of the unnecessary web content and increase in the awareness can be used for the improvement of the relevant content. The online resources must not contain any junk files that the user does not find useful and maintain a good relationship with the citizens for understanding their requirement and providing them the most relevant content they needs. The establishment of a good trust is also important for engaging the user to use trusted sources of information. Freedom and Openness: In freedom and openness Singapore have the value of 42.24 and there are lots of possibilities of improvement. The freedom and openness can be improved with maintaining transparency with the government rules and regulations. The management of the economic methodology and aligning the regulatory efficiency with the economic freedom criteria is also important for the increase in the freedom and openness of the internet access of the citizens and the stakeholders of the country.   Controlling the financial sector and public investment programs can also eliminate the inefficiency of the current system. Empowerment: The current empowerment value of Singapore is 75.17 and it is used for the measurement of the self determination in the citizens using the internet. The internet is making a huge difference for making a positive change in the society, politics, environment and economy. It is recommended that the all the information regarding the social life, economy and others mentioned in the key areas for bringing a positive change in the country must be available in the internet. The users should have access to all the resources that can bring a change in their life and the government authorities must monitor the web content and take an initiative to increase the digital literacy of the country. From the above study, it can be concluded that Singapore is a strong country according to Web Index. According to the results of the organization, various countries are making the use of the Web significantly more than other countries. The Web can be seen as a great source of medium that can generate power and economy. The use of the interact can allow the citizen of Singapore to communicate freely with the citizen of the other countries. Keeping in mind the end goal to comprehend the connection amongst correspondence and worldwide understudy streams in the data society, it is basic to research the impacts of the Internet. The Web Index is the main multidimensional measure relating the World Wide Web to worldwide improvement and human rights. The pointers of Web Index incorporate zones of widespread get to, flexibility and openness, pertinent substance and strengthening. The people who make use of the internet for entertainment purposes do the most use of the Web in the Singapore. Th is scenario can be seen in other countries too. Instead of this fact, it can be strongly stated that the most of the interactions with the Web is done for knowledge gathering and sharing purpose. "About | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. "Data | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. "Web Index: Empowerment: Political | Open Data". 2017.  Socrata. "Web Index: Freedom & Openness | Open Data". 2017.  Socrata. "Web Index: Relevant Content | Open Data". 2017.  Socrata. "Web Index: Universal Access: Access & Affordability | Open Data". 2017.  Socrata. Gaftea, Viorel. "Socio-economic Major Risks Related to the Information Technology."  Procedia Economics and Finance  8 (2014): 336-345. Gayo, Jose Emilio Labra, and Jose M. Alvarez Rodr?guez. "Validating statistical index data represented in RDF using SPARQL queries." In  RDF Validation Workshop. Practical Assurances for Quality RDF Data, Cambridge, Ma, Boston. 2013. Jiang, Ke. "International student flows between Asia, Australia, and Russia: a network analysis."  Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia  13, no. 1 (2014): 83-98. Ojino, Ronald, Luisa Mich, Patrick Ogao, and Simon Karume. "The Quality of Kenyan University Websites: A Study for the Re-engineering of the Masinde Muliro University Website."  Journal of e-Learning and Knowledge Society  9, no. 3 (2013). "Data | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. Jiang, Ke. "International student flows between Asia, Australia, and Russia: a network analysis."  Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia  13, no. 1 (2014): 83-98. "About | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. "Data | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. "Data | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. "Web Index: Universal Access: Access & Affordability | Open Data". 2017.  Socrata. "About | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. "Data | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. "Data | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. "Web Index: Freedom & Openness | Open Data". 2017. Socrata. "About | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. "Data | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. "Data | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. "Web Index: Relevant Content | Open Data". 2017.  Socrata. "About | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. "Data | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. "Data | The Web Index". 2017.  Thewebindex.Org. "Web Index: Empowerment: Political | Open Data". 2017.  Socrata. With a decade's experience in providing essay help,

Friday, October 18, 2019

Give recommendation to Partners Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Give recommendation to Partners - Assignment Example In comparison, the second investment is a high interest saving account that provides 2% on a daily compounding basis for a six monthly investment. When compared through the effective rate of interest, the high interest saving account only provides up to 0.02% higher than the nominal interest rate of 2%. The two short term investments were then evaluated through future value analysis as well. The future value calculated for the Certificate of Deposit came out to be $2,030.15 which is $30.15 higher than the present value of $2,000 invested at the beginning of the six month period. In comparison to the Certificate of Deposit, the future value earned in the high interest saving account was $4,020.05 which is only $20.05 higher from the investment amount which was $4,000 for six months. This clearly indicates that the Certificate of Deposit is a better short term investment opportunity for the organization than the high interest saving account. There are various analyses which can be conducted on short term investment opportunities. A number of opportunities can be utilized in a combination as well to provide large savings for the organization. The main concept behind any short or long term investment is the investment objectives of the organization. If the organization believes in liquidity and requires ready cash then the best options would be those that help liquidate investments immediately. In that context high interest saving accounts may be a better choice than certificates of deposit, if high interest saving accounts do not have a conditional drawing clause. On the other hand, if the organization believes in saving rather than liquidity, then certificates of deposit would be a better choice in the short term where the money is fixed and cannot be drawn for the next six

Each of you should conduct any necessary research to ID and describe Paper

Each of you should conduct any necessary to ID and describe what you believe to be a significant trend that will influence how we market products and services different in the next five years - Research Paper Example Most of the developed countries had begun using the high-technology long time ago, and the overall cost of factor input is high to the firms. In this regard, most companies offering the high-technology services are seeking business in the developing nations where there is increasing demand and cheaper wage bill for the experts. As the governments of such developing countries promote higher education, there is a growing demand by the institution for high-technology services installation in an attempt to make the learners competitive. This trend is opening up more market for hi-tech service providers, and this is likely to continue for more than five years to come. In addition to that, the few trained high-technology personnel in the developing countries are relatively cheaper in terms of wage due to the lower cost of living and this provides a better opportunity for the service providing firms. This trend is likely to impact significantly in the overall increase ,in high-technology application among the citizens in developing countries. As the government and private sector continue collaborating to advocate more funding towards high-technology services in the learning institution, there will be a gradual adoption of the same in their management practices. Government institutions and private sector are likely to invest in high-technology services in their administrative services as most of the graduates are expected to have familiarized themselves with basic concepts. This will lead to a vicious cycle of high-technology services demand leading to the expansion of the industry in the developing world which is relatively large (Gaeta, 2013). This means that more marketing programs are being shifted towards the developing countries as the firms grapple with increasing costs and dwindling profit margin. In the next five years and beyond, intensive

China and Taiwan in american foreign policy Essay

China and Taiwan in american foreign policy - Essay Example This was not to be, as the confrontation across the Straits of Taiwan has demonstrated. Since political ideology of communism and democracy are no longer a major constraint in the development of amicable relations between America and China, analysis of events in the relations between America and China point to Taiwan as being the stumbling block. Overview of Taiwan in American Foreign Policy: Taiwan has been the major irritant between China and the United States of America for decades. American foreign policy in the far-east is the reason for the continued existence of Taiwan as a separate entity to this day. Taiwan became a separate entity from mainland China in 1949, when the Kuomintang under Chiang Kai-shek was defeated by the communist forces and retreated to Taiwan, which was then called Formosa, to set up the government of the Republic of China, independent of mainland China. The communist forces under Mao Zedong attempted to take back Taiwan but were unsuccessful. In the mean time America decided to throw its weight behind the independent existence of Taiwan. This decision was based on the need to contain the growth of communism, and Taiwan provided the means to demonstrate America’s will in this direction. Taiwan was also strategically important, as it provided America with a platform for resisting the growth of communism in the Far East. For China, Taiwan and its independent existence has always been an emotional reminder of the past humiliations China has undergone from the West, which it would like to forget. Besides emotional reasons there are two valid concerns for China. Taiwan is a hindrance for it assuming the role of a major world power it has the potential to be and wants to be, is the first. The second is the security threat that Taiwan poses. The hostile attitude of Taiwan coupled with an American foreign policy unfavorable to China makes Taiwan a security threat due to its proximity to the mainland, as it can be used as a platform for many kinds of attacks. China would like to take control of Taiwan outright, but is gradually veering around to the reality that this would not be possible, and so China would be willing for a reunification with Taiwan, on the lines of its successful reunification with Hong Kong in. Taiwan is not keen on it, and would like to maintain its independence, which it stresses from time to time through its actions. America supports this view of Taiwan, and aims to prevent China pressurizing Taiwan into union with the mainland. From this stems the difficul ties witnessed in the relationship between America and China. (Jakobson, 2005). Post Cold War American Foreign Policy in East Asia: The American foreign policy with regard to Taiwan and China has seen periods of wide swings. From the 1970s onwards American foreign policy was tilted towards a sobering influence between China and Taiwan, which went to the extent of reassuring China that America would reduce its military assistance to Taiwan in 1982. A decade later this pacifist trend was to reverse. The Bush administration in 1992 sold 150 F-16 war planes to Taiwan in spite of protests from China. The Clinton administration in 1994 upgraded the protocol rules for Taiwanese diplomats, and the following year provided a visa for senior Taiwanese leader Lee Teng-hui to visit America, disregarding diplomatic precedents. These were acts that were read

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Management(various non-typical intangible assets which can help a Essay

Management(various non-typical intangible assets which can help a manager) - Essay Example It can be noticed that intangible assets of an organization are not things which can be acquired or bought but are rather developed. These are a set of instructions, knowledge etc which along with the tangible assets of the organization, help in running the organization and completing day to day activities. Intangible assets bring a new configuration of the things making it more valuable and accessible. Apart from all the above mentioned intangible resources this paper will discuss managerial intangible resources which a manager draws upon to fulfil his role. This paper discusses and evaluated how intangible resources can be used to legitimise management authority in organizations. In order to do so, the paper describes what intangible assets are and what management is. Later, it discusses what is meant by management and what the connection between management authority and intangible assets is. Management is an art. It is an art of planning, organizing, directing and monitoring. It is an art of managing people. It is also science. Science is how you mange to do all this. It can also be said as an act of directing, controlling, coordinating and harmonizing people towards the accomplishment of a goal. It also comprises of deployment and proper use of human resources, technological resources and financial resources. Those people or groups of people who manage these things are the management. In the late seventies an... Science is how you mange to do all this. It can also be said as an act of directing, controlling, coordinating and harmonizing people towards the accomplishment of a goal. It also comprises of deployment and proper use of human resources, technological resources and financial resources. Those people or groups of people who manage these things are the management. In the late seventies and eighties management was considered as an engineering. Any company was considered as a machine, the managers were the operators and the workers, merely pawns. Today management has a whole new concept (McCrimmon: 2007, n.p). The efficiency in the workers reflects the efficiency of the manager. If the manager is incompetent then the efficiency of the workers does not change, rather in some cases it goes down. Managers take responsibility of what they do. They are creative and analyzing. Managers discover what is unique about a person and then use his unique quality to achieve their goals. The job of a manager is to achieve performance using a person's talent (Buckingham, n.p. 2005). However, in order for the manager to do his job, it is very important for him to have some authority over his employees. This authority is not only given to him by the higher management when he is hired, he also makes use of intangible assets and resources to legitimise this authori ty such as skills and knowledge. A manager has a bird's eye view of the entire system and the entire organization. He is the one who makes use of this knowledge and expertise to not only take strategic decisions, but also prove that he is capable for this position (Buckingham, n.p. 2005). An important part of intangible assets which a manger makes use of is leadership qualities which help him legitimise authority in

Innovation and Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Innovation and Change - Essay Example It is therefore very important that knowledge on these important areas is effectively imparted on the people working for organizations and beyond. As such, this module has been a great source of very relevant knowledge and information on some of the contemporary issues that characterize innovation practices across the world. As realized in the readings, the essence of innovation is basically to provide efficient means and ways through which operations in the organization can be bettered. In the same way, innovation is normally geared towards increasing the productivity of the organization through improved production methods and efficiency. It was learnt that a very important aspect in the innovation process involves sourcing for the innovative ideas. In this regard, organizations are encouraged to develop a culture of innovation within the organization through inculcating the imperatives of innovation on the minds of the employees (Cooper & Edgett, 2010). Indeed, employees are the gr eatest assets any organization can effectively use to improve its innovation processes. It was realized that some of the greatest organizations like FedEx and Apple have successfully managed to become market leaders in their respective areas of operation courtesy of innovation. These organizations realized the importance of innovation from an early age and thereby developed very elaborate innovation infrastructure within them. As such, a culture of innovation is very essential in creating the positive change that is much important in the present competitive business environment. However, in addressing the sources of innovation in the organization, it becomes important to realize that some of the assumptions in the module might not always reflect the real picture on the ground. Creating an innovative culture within a particular organization is not really an easy undertaking. In order to create a culture of innovation within an organization, a lot of time is actually needed coupled wi th sufficient financial resources to invest in the innovation process. In any case, the realization of these needs is normally high for most organizations. It therefore implies that smaller organizations might find it much difficult to compete against much bigger organizations which can effectively funds their innovation processes. Without doubt, the success of any innovation process depends upon the proper implementation of the innovation strategy for the organization. The module also highlighted the concept of open innovation and how it can benefit organizations aspiring to benefit from innovation processes. Open innovation is normally the practice whereby organizations are encouraged to go beyond their borders and seek ideas for innovation from other organizations. Indeed, the imperatives of open innovation cannot be overemphasized. The process is very critical as a great source of ideas for organizations operating in very competitive environments. Knowledge never exists in isola tion. The growth of innovative knowledge therefore depends upon that sharing and developing of other innovative ideas from outside the organization. However, despite the seemingly important role of open innovation as captured in the module, it is realized that some organizations have always failed in their innovation processes through the aspect of open innovatio

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

China and Taiwan in american foreign policy Essay

China and Taiwan in american foreign policy - Essay Example This was not to be, as the confrontation across the Straits of Taiwan has demonstrated. Since political ideology of communism and democracy are no longer a major constraint in the development of amicable relations between America and China, analysis of events in the relations between America and China point to Taiwan as being the stumbling block. Overview of Taiwan in American Foreign Policy: Taiwan has been the major irritant between China and the United States of America for decades. American foreign policy in the far-east is the reason for the continued existence of Taiwan as a separate entity to this day. Taiwan became a separate entity from mainland China in 1949, when the Kuomintang under Chiang Kai-shek was defeated by the communist forces and retreated to Taiwan, which was then called Formosa, to set up the government of the Republic of China, independent of mainland China. The communist forces under Mao Zedong attempted to take back Taiwan but were unsuccessful. In the mean time America decided to throw its weight behind the independent existence of Taiwan. This decision was based on the need to contain the growth of communism, and Taiwan provided the means to demonstrate America’s will in this direction. Taiwan was also strategically important, as it provided America with a platform for resisting the growth of communism in the Far East. For China, Taiwan and its independent existence has always been an emotional reminder of the past humiliations China has undergone from the West, which it would like to forget. Besides emotional reasons there are two valid concerns for China. Taiwan is a hindrance for it assuming the role of a major world power it has the potential to be and wants to be, is the first. The second is the security threat that Taiwan poses. The hostile attitude of Taiwan coupled with an American foreign policy unfavorable to China makes Taiwan a security threat due to its proximity to the mainland, as it can be used as a platform for many kinds of attacks. China would like to take control of Taiwan outright, but is gradually veering around to the reality that this would not be possible, and so China would be willing for a reunification with Taiwan, on the lines of its successful reunification with Hong Kong in. Taiwan is not keen on it, and would like to maintain its independence, which it stresses from time to time through its actions. America supports this view of Taiwan, and aims to prevent China pressurizing Taiwan into union with the mainland. From this stems the difficul ties witnessed in the relationship between America and China. (Jakobson, 2005). Post Cold War American Foreign Policy in East Asia: The American foreign policy with regard to Taiwan and China has seen periods of wide swings. From the 1970s onwards American foreign policy was tilted towards a sobering influence between China and Taiwan, which went to the extent of reassuring China that America would reduce its military assistance to Taiwan in 1982. A decade later this pacifist trend was to reverse. The Bush administration in 1992 sold 150 F-16 war planes to Taiwan in spite of protests from China. The Clinton administration in 1994 upgraded the protocol rules for Taiwanese diplomats, and the following year provided a visa for senior Taiwanese leader Lee Teng-hui to visit America, disregarding diplomatic precedents. These were acts that were read

Innovation and Change Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Innovation and Change - Essay Example It is therefore very important that knowledge on these important areas is effectively imparted on the people working for organizations and beyond. As such, this module has been a great source of very relevant knowledge and information on some of the contemporary issues that characterize innovation practices across the world. As realized in the readings, the essence of innovation is basically to provide efficient means and ways through which operations in the organization can be bettered. In the same way, innovation is normally geared towards increasing the productivity of the organization through improved production methods and efficiency. It was learnt that a very important aspect in the innovation process involves sourcing for the innovative ideas. In this regard, organizations are encouraged to develop a culture of innovation within the organization through inculcating the imperatives of innovation on the minds of the employees (Cooper & Edgett, 2010). Indeed, employees are the gr eatest assets any organization can effectively use to improve its innovation processes. It was realized that some of the greatest organizations like FedEx and Apple have successfully managed to become market leaders in their respective areas of operation courtesy of innovation. These organizations realized the importance of innovation from an early age and thereby developed very elaborate innovation infrastructure within them. As such, a culture of innovation is very essential in creating the positive change that is much important in the present competitive business environment. However, in addressing the sources of innovation in the organization, it becomes important to realize that some of the assumptions in the module might not always reflect the real picture on the ground. Creating an innovative culture within a particular organization is not really an easy undertaking. In order to create a culture of innovation within an organization, a lot of time is actually needed coupled wi th sufficient financial resources to invest in the innovation process. In any case, the realization of these needs is normally high for most organizations. It therefore implies that smaller organizations might find it much difficult to compete against much bigger organizations which can effectively funds their innovation processes. Without doubt, the success of any innovation process depends upon the proper implementation of the innovation strategy for the organization. The module also highlighted the concept of open innovation and how it can benefit organizations aspiring to benefit from innovation processes. Open innovation is normally the practice whereby organizations are encouraged to go beyond their borders and seek ideas for innovation from other organizations. Indeed, the imperatives of open innovation cannot be overemphasized. The process is very critical as a great source of ideas for organizations operating in very competitive environments. Knowledge never exists in isola tion. The growth of innovative knowledge therefore depends upon that sharing and developing of other innovative ideas from outside the organization. However, despite the seemingly important role of open innovation as captured in the module, it is realized that some organizations have always failed in their innovation processes through the aspect of open innovatio

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Ho Chi Minh and Ngo Dinh Diem Essay Example for Free

Ho Chi Minh and Ngo Dinh Diem Essay Following the Geneva conference in1954, an agreement was signed to end the First Indochina war. The agreements also lead to the temporary division of the Democratic of Vietnam into two sub- countries separated along the Laotian border next to the 17th parallel. To the north was the Democratic Republic of Vietnam and its capital in Hanoi and to the south was the Republic of Vietnam and its capital was in Saigon. The leader of the north was Ho Chi Minh and the south was lead by Ngo Dihn Diem. The two leaders possess different skills and ideologies, however with the common target of uniting Vietnam, leading it to freedom. In this paper, an evaluation of the two leaders basing on the context of the Vietnam society will be made, about their leadership styles that lead them to win the hearts and minds of their subjects and consequently support for their initiatives (Schandler, 2009). Ho Chi Minh is a political genius. He fools the people of Vietnam to support his cause through propaganda, terror and betraying even his close friends to form the Communist movement in Vietnam. He even tricks the patriotic solders and makes them to rebel, thinking that they are doing it for the benefit of Vietnam. A good example is the Hue Massacre in 1968. They seize the city of central Vietnam, killing thousands of innocent people, due to them inhabiting the southern Vietnam (Moss, 1990). Even though he commits all these, he is capable of creating good impression to the people of Vietnam and the whole world at large. He manages to mobilize the people in the west through his propagandas. As a result, the person protests the south and praised the north. They are not able to discover his ill motives, but mistook him as good leader with good morals vision (Catino, 2010). He is deceptive and canning. He always wore a smiley face that could easily deceive the masses to think that he has the interest of Vietnam in his mind. He even insinuates that is major aim is to free the people of Vietnam from  the colonial chains of The French. However, his only major aim is to liberate t he nation and leads it to prosperity and development. In 1945, when he returns to Vietnam, he is chosen to lead Viet Minh. Here he convinces many of the leaders by claiming that it is the revolutionary group whose intention is to end the French invaders. He has massive support, and when they win the French at Dien Binh in 1954, Ho Chi Minh is accorded all the praises and seen as a hero (Catino, 2010). Ngo Dinh Diem portrays himself as an honest and courageous leader. He shows his prowess in blocking the French from dominating his homeland. Ngo is equipped with genuine liabilities and his political base is developed through his own family that has high esteem and reputation (Moss, 1990). Also, Ngo Dinh Diem having stayed in the US, has gained him personality and experience from the influential politicians and reputable church leaders like senator Mike Mansfield and the cardinal of catholic church by the name Francis Spellman. This has made him the prime minister and also enjoys the massive support from the Vietnamese people (Moss, 1990). Ngo Dinh Diem is a determined and hardworking leader. He is very muc h focused in closely working with The United States military to in building the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces. The chief reason for this is to create a strong defense at the northern border, against the inversion North Vietnamese. Initiating the creation of Military Assistance Command, Vietnam (MACV) in 1963 and also providing the United States for the South Vietnamese is a good indication of his effort and hard work (Moss, 1990). Although he is challenged with the political instability, his determination won the hearts of many people in not only the Southern Vietnam and the entire Vietnam community. Personal leadership was a major factor in reuniting the country following the war. Ngo Dinh Diem and Ho Chi Minh were able to achieve growth and transformational processes as indicated by the conscious decisions they made in uniting the country (Schandler, 2009). Through personal change the leaders played a major role in developing and ensuring an enlightened life that was more meaningful, full of self-awareness, purpose-driven as well as being socially responsible. Overall the leaders embraced vital lessons of personal leadership, which inspired the people to have deep reflection and indoctrination of positive aspects into everyday lives. The personal leadership had positive transformation of the Vietnamese society and had  positive implications on the world around (Moss, 1990). It is clear from the discussion above that various skills and ideologies of the two discussed leaders contributed greatly to the reunion of Vietnam. Though their policies differed, their creativity and diligent leadership styles won the hearts of Vietnamese people, and the entire Continent of Asia. The Vietnamese embraced their leadership and consequently support for their leadership initiatives. They maintained political stability and achieved their dream of uniting the people of Vietnam (Catino, 2010). References Catino, M. S. (2010). Peaceful ActivitiesNorth VietnamsInverson of the South. The Aggressors: Ho Chi Minh, North Vietnam, and the Communist Bloc (p. 86 87). WashingtonD.C: Dog Ear Publishing, . Moss, G. (1990). America’s Diem Experiment The Formation of Seato, . Vietnam, an American ordeal (6th edition ed., p. 24). Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall Schandler, H. Y. (2009). The enemy. America in Vietnam: the war that couldnt be won (p. 14). Lanham, Md.: Rowman Littlefield Publishers.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Causes and Solutions to World Hunger

Causes and Solutions to World Hunger Michael Sylvester Why is Feeding the Hungry Proving to be Such a Difficult Challenge? In 2012, it was estimated that 868 million people in the world were undernourished.[1] That’s 868 million people out of the 7,065,410,436[4] people that make up the world’s population going hungry on a daily basis, that’s over 12%. This is a shockingly large number; a number that I feel can be lowered considerably. Feeding the hungry is a problem shared globally, however the effects of this problem are more severe in less economically developed countries (LEDCs). Money plays a large part in power today and I believe those with money and power should lead the way in showing those without to help eradicate the problem, for example: if each MEDC (More Economically Developed Country) gave 1% of their GDP to fund a food program for those without food in LEDC countries, it would make a considerable difference. Causes of hunger: Finance: If people can’t afford to buy food, then they simply don’t eat enough; often forgoing meals so their children can eat. Lack of money usually arises from un or underemployment. Those in poorer, less economically developed countries such as Ethiopia (Africa) struggle to gain jobs for steady income due to lack of education and/or lack of job availability. With little to no income, families in Ethiopia, for example, struggle to provide food and other essentials needed to sustain life. With this in mind, families may be left with the impossible choice of what they spend their money on. (For example: Spending money to feed an ill person who will most likely die without treatment is money wasted. Equally paying for medical treatment but not being able to feed them at the same time makes paying for medical treatment useless, as the person is only going to become ill again.) The way people choose to spend their money will affect whether they are able to afford the correct amount and quality of food. More commonly in MEDC’s such as the United Kingdom families ‘waste’ their money on unnecessary items rather than the necessities to maintain a healthy life. The country’s level of economic development plays a part. A country with a lower GDP will not be able to aid its people as effectively/at all whereas one with a higher GDP will be able to. However, this is not always the case and we must be careful to avoid over-generalising as in some poorer countries, the rural dwellers have got together to form farming co-operatives and these have proved surprisingly powerful and sustainable in The Gambia [9]. Other factors such as corruption can affect whether a country is willing to help itself or if it is going to rely on the help of others. In some places, there is an excess of food. It is estimated that globally we waste 1.3 billion tonnes of food a year. The food thrown away is not only enough to feed all of the undernourished people in the world (Approximately 870 million people [1], 852 million in developing countries (LEDC/NIC’s)) [2] is enough to save 1/3 of the world’s food banks. Wasting food is a huge issue for everyone, especially for those who aren’t even receiving a proper meal daily. It costs money, resources and time to produce food all, of which is wasted in most cases. Producing food has many effects. For example: Agriculture has an effect on global warming, due to high rates of greenhouse gas emissions. 10% of MEDC greenhouse emissions come from producing and transporting food that never gets eaten. [3] Country Continent MEDC/LEDC? Food Waste /Per capita per year (Approx.) United Kingdom Europe MEDC 7.2 tonnes United States of America North America MEDC 40 tonnes France Europe MEDC 5.6 tonnes Ethiopia Africa LEDC Unknown Effects of hunger Hunger has a direct impact on those without food, obviously, however very few undernourished people die from outright starvation. They die from common illnesses such as malaria and diarrhoea because their bodies that have been weakened by hunger, cannot cope. Hunger can increase the severity of simple illnesses because it weakens the immune system. Not only does hunger increase the vulnerability of a person to common illnesses, it increases the risk of infection, meaning the illness has a wide-spread effect. Hunger can have an economic impact also. It creates a vicious circle that is almost impossible to escape. People are poorly paid due to the limited economic status of the country, this then limits what food they can buy as well as other things such as medicine, people become ill (often common illnesses contracted due to lack of food) and therefore cannot attend work or are less productive in their job (If the person works) meaning they can’t earn as much/any money or pay taxes to their government. This circle then repeats and the overall effect is that the country makes less money and its people earn less money and are unable to buy essential items to survive. Solutions ‘World hunger is extensive in spite of sufficient global food resources. Therefore increased food production is no solution. The problem is that many people are too poor to buy readily available food. Therefore measures addressing the poverty problem are what are needed to solve the world hunger problem.’ As suggested in the quote above, simply producing more food is not a solution. Producing even more food will result in more food going to waste, and that’s already a huge problem globally. The challenge we are left with is to supply safe and nutritious food in a sustainable way, globally. If food was made much more affordable it would help reduce hunger levels. Even those in poorer countries would be able to afford it despite their low incomes. However this may promote food waste since people will be able to afford much more food than they usually would, food which will never get eaten. I think MEDC’s should give short term aid to LEDC’s to help reduce the number of undernourished people in their countries, although I feel that giving money aid isn’t the best solution as the country may use it for something else. MEDC’s should educate other countries and nurture them but not allow the country to become dependent on them. ‘Give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; Teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime’ Anne Isabella Ritchie (circa 1885) – this quote stresses the need to teach to be self sufficient as opposed to being dependent. There is also another idea that could help to reduce the amount of food we waste yearly. The ‘Pig Idea’ [10]is an idea that we should feed our waste food to pigs. This would be effective as the food wouldn’t be wasted since it’s feeding the pigs. ‘Humans have been recycling food by feeding it to pigs for thousands of years’ – this now has the added bonus of helping british pig farmers who are struggling to make ends meet, as a result of the economic climate. Charities and Aid organisations already operate in areas where there is a hunger is a big problem. Farm Africa has worked in Ethiopia since 1988 and continues to help the people there by educating them, and showing them how to grow crops as well as giving them food and water. Case Studies. U.K In the United Kingdom the causes of hunger are problems like food waste and food affordability. The wealthier people living in the U.K contribute significantly to the amount of food that is wasted annually, because they can afford to buy large quantities of food regardless of the price. However those with lower incomes cannot afford to buy as much food so their food waste is considerably lower. But for some, food affordability is a huge problem. Families can’t afford to buy enough food to feed them due to its ever growing price. Ethiopia In Ethiopia the causes of hunger are different to that of the U.K. It is producing the food and distributing it to the people that are the problem. Due to climate difficulties producing food can be difficult, since soil qualities are affected. Also difficult climatic conditions (Flood and drought) can damage crops and reduce productivity. Lack of education in the country also adds to this, since poor farming practises are undertaken, which can further ruin the land being used for farming which then eventually will render it useless more than 31 million Ethiopians don’t have enough nutritious food to eat 5]., with annual costs associated with child malnutrition accounting for 15.5% of Ethiopia’s GDP. Farm Africa is currently working in parts of Ethiopia to try and help their situation. In the Tigray region of Ethiopia Farm Africa [12] are trying to increase food security via pastoral farming. The project is working directly with 2,950 women and 400 landless youths, providing them with crops and livestock as well as training [5]. They are also training farmers and giving them equipment to produce barley of a high quality meaning farmers will receive 10% more than the local rate for the barley they produced. They have also helped link farmers to Diageo (An international business that brews beer). Farm Africa is also helping communities find new ways of earning a living using the forest’s natural resources eg making bamboo furniture and harvesting wild coffee. They are also collaborating with the government to design a pilot project to protect 500,000 hectares of forest. This means Ethiopia could benefit from important work to preserve the forest, avoiding further emissions of carbon, and slowing climate change. Future Scenario: I feel that if this work continues, although it may take time, it will greatly help reduce the amount of undernourished people in Ethiopia and create sustainable life there. Not only do I think it will help reduce malnutrition statistics but I think it will help Ethiopia grow economically and increase their level of understanding and education which in turn will benefit the country greatly. Kenya In Kenya the causes for hunger are mostly physical ones, with climatic effects playing a large part in it. Two-thirds of Kenyans depend on the crops they grow and the animals they keep for their livelihoods and survival [6]. However, with prolonged drought killing livestock and withering crops, nearly four million people are at risk of serious hunger, especially in the northern and Rift Valley regions. This leaves small scale farmers and pastoral nomadic tribes-people vulnerable to hunger. Farm Africa is working with these vulnerable groups to help them find a way out of the spiral of poverty. They are teaching farmers techniques to help conserve water and soil, and by introducing drought-tolerant crops to them. New methods for capturing rainwater are being introduced by NGOs. Those trained can then disseminate these techniques throughout their community and this knowledge passed on to future generations. Selected farmers are provided with high-quality seeds for drought-tolerant crops. These seeds then produce healthy crops and farmers collect and store seeds from the harvest to use the following season. The more widely available these become, the more reliable and food secure communities can become too. Future Scenario: I believe that if this work continues it will greatly help reduce the amount of undernourished people in Kenya. The continuation of the help will ensure food security for all, regardless of climatic changes. Global Scenarios If global hunger isn’t managed further, as our world’s population continues to grow, the problem will become so big that I don’t think it could be managed solved. Scenario Benefit Explanation If nothing is done to try to manage the hunger problem. Nothing. As the global population grows, so does the number of malnutrition. It is going to become even more difficult to manage this problem and the effects it has on people. We simply cannot keep up with the amount of illnesses that will be caused because of malnutrition, making death on an enormous scale inevitable even more so in LEDC’s. If we were to lower the price of food More people would be able to afford more or a better quality of food, which would certainly improve the hunger problem. However, lowering the price of food may create more problems than solutions. For example, in most LEDC’s such as Ethiopia where agriculture accounts for 46.6% of the country’s GDP lowering the price of food is going to hinder the country’s economic development. Since farmers will be getting less money for the crops they sell meaning they have even less income for essentials things for themselves and their families. Conclusion Ensuring that every person in the world is fed is an absolute must, arguably more so than educating them although to some extent the two are inextricably linked. This issue has had global prominence since the year 2000 and the millennium development goals and although we have made great strides there is still a long way to go, indeed one in eight people still go to bed hungry, despite major progress. [7] Unfortunately the causes of hunger are wide spread and complex so there is no one quick way of fixing the problem. That said, if we can promote a reduction in food waste by those that have more than enough and supply and educate those that are lacking, we will be heading in the right direction. From investigating this topic I now have a personal goal to reduce the amount of food that I and those around me waste. I plan to visit local restaurants such as that of my school to investigate how much food is wasted, what is done with that waste food and help them to consider ways which might help them to lower it. I will be looking to find local pig farmers/smallholdings who might be able to make use of such waste food. I have also realised how fortunate I am never to have been truly hungry, even though I often claim to ‘be absolutely starving’, especially when on last lunch at school! 2096 words excluding titles, sub-headings and tables Bibliography. [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] [8] [9] [10] [12]