Saturday, February 15, 2020

Art Management-festival comparison Literature review

Art Management-festival comparison - Literature review Example Additionally the works of the extremely powerful artists of those eras, like Gyula Kaesz and Lajos Kozma, the show displays the furniture of such, all but forgotten presently, which was once very admired, designers as Gyà ¶rgy Frà ¤nkel, Zsuzsa Kovà ¡cs, Pà ¡l Và ¡gà ³, Gyà ¶rgy Kà ³rà ³dy and Kà ¡roly Nagy, as well as those equipments that make a living space a residence, like textiles, lighting fittings and ornaments. Music Festivals are specially organized events oriented towards the culture of not only domestic people, but also for international visitors. It is also focused towards the leisure time of both the general and business to business customers. Music Festivals are known as culturally oriented tourism (Koutoulas, N.d.). Although cultural tourism shows a little favoritism towards the â€Å"elite† culture and associated people, much of the contemporary culture revolves around â€Å"folk† culture (Walle, 1998). A cultural tourism event attracts not only large diversified customers, but it also attracts potentially lucrative sponsors and in turn, the sponsors can also communicate to a large number of target audiences (Walle, 1998). Music festivals can be understood as a result derived from the increasing demand of culture along with increased availability of time for leisure and holidays (Frey, 1994). It was observed that number of foreign visitors in Finland was increased in the year of 1980-1990. It is from that time, Kuhmo Chamber Music Festival, based in Finland, went into the pre-internationalization process. After 1990s, it is observed that after the sudden increase in the year 1990s following by the deep recession, consumers’ willingness to join music festivals had also been changed (Tikkanen, 2008, pp.127-133). From the year of establishment in the year 1970 to 1975, it was known as â€Å"Local Chamber Music Festival†. At that time, due to scarce financial and labor resources, voluntary

Sunday, February 2, 2020

Is it morally obligated to help the poor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Is it morally obligated to help the poor - Essay Example This also means that moral principles would not be a measurement of one’s life value. The moral principles of an individual would only reflect in the quality of life one leads. It would also reflect on the quality of life that one transmits onto the immediate and external community. A probable foundation of this concept regards Thomas Jefferson’s idea of men’s equal creation. On one hand, he could have been expressing the view that no individual is of moral inferiority to the other (Waller 187). On the other end, he could have been arguing about equal sharing of certain inalienable rights by all individuals. In this view, human beings would share an inalienable right to proper diet. In case a part of the population has inadequate sharing of the rights, it becomes an obligation for the rest of the population to uplift the disadvantaged. In addition, the direction of help is a fundamental view. It is crucial for the financially able communities to invent stable ways of arousing long term solutions. In most instances, poverty may arise out of inadequate empowerment to sense the opportunities of alleviating the situation. This relates to poor knowledge and irrelevant skills of economic enhancement. The relevance of such empowerment relates to the aspect of establishing self help means. This suggests that the first step to alleviating poverty is providing necessary education for community skills. Most poor communities exist in deplorable states because of external events (Andre and Velasquez 2009). This suggests that external factors contravene their own development. For instance, a business venture would face the constraints of a manipulative environment and corruption. A poor person who would be striving to attain a job would face a constraint out of nepotism and favor to corporate positions (Cullity 290). This occurs in spite of one’s efforts to continually seek for employment. The effective